Something Different

About 9 months ago, I bought a Janome 500E embroidery machine. I’ve been making quilt labels on it and also a few other projects. I absolutely LOVE making “in the hoop” zipper bags. They are SEW fun.

This first one is an Anita Gooddesign. I altered it a bit because I was suppose to use “see through” fabric – which I don’t own. The fabrics were Island Batik.

This next one is a free pattern from Sweet Pea in Australia. It was a fun way to learn “in the hoop” applique and zipper insertion.

Who knows what I will make next?

My Daisy Chain Mystery was featured on Free Motion Mavericks. Check it out HERE.

There are LOTS of people going to join the Baby Quilt Marathon. Some are making baby quilts, others will be working on their own projects.

All that is required is a concentrated effort to work on a project for 26 hours during the time from July 1 to July 15. Are you going to join us?

Happy Quilting! 


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18 thoughts on “Something Different

  1. I don’t ten an embroidery machine but I have to admit that in the hoop designs make me wish for one! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jennifer,
      One other thing I like about embroidery machine is the ability to do applique. I’m no longer calling it “cr-applique!” Thank you for hosting Wednesday Wait loss! Happy Quilting! 🙂


    • Hi Denise … the in the hoop zipper instal is written right into the 2 patterns I showed. I haven’t ventured into doing it for other projects. However – one tip that a friend of mine shared – is to use 1/8″ wide steam-a-seam and iron the zippers in place. Then sew. Works like a charm. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like that Daisy Chain quilt. Such nice bags, and the seashell one is very appealing to me. I am going to try to make at least one baby quilt during the two weeks, and donate it, or finish one that might already be started.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds great! All 5 of my baby quilts will be donated to our guild. If, and it’s a big IF, I have time left over, I will make a quilt for a upcoming baby. (And those of you who know me, don’t ask “who’s having a baby?” because, I don’t know – it’ll just be ready when a little one arrives! 🙂


  3. Hi Gail! Oh yeah, I forgot about the baby marathon. We’ve picked out a pattern we’d like to make – now we just need to find the fabrics. Or maybe go shopping?! ~smile~ Roseanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Ann,
      Thank you! I will be using the embroidery machine more and more, but only when I have the “must do” list done!
      Revving your engines for the baby quilt marathon is good!
      Happy Quilting! 🙂


  4. I’ve made both the in the hoop patterns you have!! I, too, love ITH! But unlike you, I haven’t done any sewing in eons!! Bought a cricut machine and am having fun with that! Hope to get back to sewing before quilt retreat in the fall!! You and your work amaze me! 🤪💕hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Connie,

      How fun that you have made the same ones! I have a couple of patterns for a few others, so will likely sew them up in the next few years !

      Happy Quilting & Embroidery! 🙂


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