June: Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Quilts Across America is the “Create for a Cause” for Island Batik’s June challenge. Here’s some info:

Quilts Across America is a program that relies on the generosity of quilters everywhere to provide a quilt with each bed that is delivered. Quilters can partner together or sew on their own to make and donate quilts throughout the year. Each year the month of July is designated as the Quilts Across America month. Quilts Across America was initiated by Studio 180 Design and Tucker University in July 2023. Help make this the largest quilting event in America and complete the process of getting kids, “Off the floor, Into a Bed, and Under a Quilt. 

I received the Tucker Trimmer I tool and a magic wand from Studio 180 Designs in my Island Batik box. As I searched for a pattern, Hocus Pocus came up and I knew what I was going to make! The pattern is free: HERE. And, if you like video tutorials, there is one HERE.

In my January Island Batik box, I also received a 10″ stack of Island Batik “Squiggles, Dots and Lines.” Since it is a signature collection for Deb Tucker, Studio 180 Designs, I thought it would be perfect for this quilt! Pair it with “Bluebelle” and I had a great start!

I made most of the top while at a retreat in early April (at Over the Rainbow). It was great to have opinions on which block layout I should use. I had 4 blocks done and laid out on the design board one night before I went to bed. When I got up in the morning, the blocks had been rearranged (thanks, Lynne!) and I went with the “new” layout! And yes, the retreat centre had a pink Oliso iron!

Here is the quilt and it’s Daphne (my grand-dog) approved!

A close-up of the quilting: 1.5″ circles and random straight lines.

Quilt Stats:

  • Size: 60″ x 75″
  • Fabric: Island Batik: a 10″ stack of Island Batik “Squiggles, Dots and Lines” and the light fabric is “Bluebelle.” The outside border and the binding is “Midnight Blue” (part of the Brilliant Blues collection).
  • Tools used: Studio 180 Designs: Magic Wand and Tucker Trimmer
  • Hobbs Batting Heirloom: 80/20
  • Aurifil Thread: Piecing and Quilting #2600 (Dove Grey)
  • Quilting: I used Silly Moon rulers: Cheesie (1.5″) and Rocket

This quilt will be on it’s way to California tomorrow!!

I received the small Tucker Trimmer from Studio 180 Designs. I already have the Tucker Trimmer III, so I’m giving away the Tucker Trimmer I. If you would like this tool, leave a comment below and I’ll choose a winner by random number generator.

Thank you

Disclosure: The fabrics, batting, thread, needles and the iron were generously supplied by the following companies: Thank you, Island Batik,  Aurifil Thread,  Hobbs Batting,  Schmetz NeedlesOliso  Studio 180 Designs

Visit each of the following Ambassadors to see the quilts that they have created for this challenge! Many different tools will be used.

One who sleeps under a quilt is covered by LOVE!

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39 thoughts on “June: Sleep in Heavenly Peace

  1. Pingback: Monday Moments: June 10 | Quilting Gail

  2. what a beautiful “disappearing pattern” and your finish is wonderful especially for such a noble cause. Someone will be blessed by your gift. I love Deb Tucker’s tool but don’t have this one so I’d love to have my name in your giveaway. i’ll be saving this pattern so i can make sometime in the future. Thank you Gayle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jane!! This tool is pretty cool, but I’m sure one could make the quilt using a regular ruler! However, I’ve added your name into the giveaway! Happy Quilting!


  3. Thanks so much for the free pattern! I love it!!! 🙂 I took a class several years ago that used a couple of the Tucker tools, but the Tucker Trimmer isn’t one of them. It would be very special to win one. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you love the pattern!!! It’s pretty easy and gives lots of options for different layouts! Tucker tools are fantastic! I’ve entered your name in the drawing!


  4. Beautiful quilt. All quilts are beautiful I believe. We have a Sleep in Heavenly Peace group here in my area in Wyoming. I will check to see if I can donate to them directly or is there somewhere else I should send the quilt to. Love your website. Learn lots.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Mary Grace. I believe you should be able to donate a quilt locally. I had to send mine to California because we do not have that group in Canada. I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying my website!!! ♥️


  5. Hi Gail, I was just reading this article. Does Quilts across America refer to all of (North/South/Cental) America? Or are they being proprietary when using the word and referring only to USA? I have a feeling it’s the later. If so, that’s disappointing from my perspective; especially being ambassadors are from around the world. Anyway, just an observati

    Liked by 1 person

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