Sandwiching marathon

Yup, another marathon.  This time it’s a lot of small ones and I was able to do them myself without help.  I do have one more that is waiting for assistance.  SEW – that will mean that I will have 6 quilts to quilt.  Only one of them (Square Dance: centre-top row) was started this year, the rest are UFOs.  This will help toward my PHD in 2018.  I’m not going to do the math because I don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch!


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A Friday Flimsy!

The flimsy from the Square Dance Mystery is done.  It’s 24″ square.  I’m debating whether or not to put a border on it.  The directions for assembling this quilt are well written.  And see that centre star?  She has a unique technique for making those long half triangle squares.  It was easy! No messing with weird shapes.  If you want to make this little topper or a bigger quilt, the steps are still available at “From My Carolina Home.”

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