Monday Moments: June 10

My triathlons last ALL week!!! LOL!!!

Kate, from Life in Pieces, is hosting “Stitching Stuff” and the goal is to sew for at least 15 minutes a day. I use Kate’s guideline, but my personal goal is to sew for 30 minutes a day. On those “blah” days, it does motivate me to sit at my machine and 30 minutes often turns into several hours. Thank you Kate for the motivation!

  • Jan – May:  143 / 152 days
  • June: 9 / 9
  • Total: 152/ 16194%

Design Wall Mondays

Judy, at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, hosts a linky party for “What’s on your Design Wall” every week.

Piecing projects:

  • Just a leaders & enders … nothing major, at the moment!
  • Jam Session … if I get the pieces cut out!

Quilting: to do… the list is getting shorter!

  • Quilting “Gardenia
  • Lone Star Left-overs (you can see details of the Lone Star HERE). I need to figure out the backing and then quilt it.
  • Luminous Layers #1 & #2 a quilt-a-long from MMM quilts (see HERE for details and links to instructions)

Donna at Quilt Paint Create hosts a weekly linky party where you can display your stash numbers. This has really kept my stash from growing (somewhat!) Before I buy anything, I am always mindful of the fact that I need to report it on my blog … That sometimes stops me in my tracks!

I finished my June Island Batik project!!! You can read about it HERE. This quilt used 11.5 yards of fabric!

  • Fabric Used in the last week:   11.5 yards
  • Fabric Used in 2023:     95.5 yards  from non-IB: 40.5
  • Fabric Added this week: 0 yards
  • Fabric Added this year:     21.5 yards 
  • Net Fabric used:              74 yards

Carol from Quilt Schmilt is hosting “To Do” every week.

To Do from the last report:

  1. Finish Quilting “Gardenianot done
  2. Finish IB June project. √   DONE. and posted HERE.
  3. Sandwich and Quilt Lone Star Left-overs from Pin Dot Floral lone star not done.
  4. Work on Luminous Layers. See HERE. √   DONE.
  5. Keep working on St Paddy’s quilt HERE. √   DONE.
  6. Do NOT be distracted by any SQUIRRELS! I NEED this continual reminder! √   DONE
  7. Tidy & clean studio for 30 minutes. √   DONE. 

To Do for next week:

  1. Finish Quilting “Gardenia
  2. Sandwich and Quilt Lone Star Left-overs from Pin Dot Floral lone star
  3. Quilt Luminous Layers. See HERE.
  4. Decide on “Something Smells Fishy” blog hop project
  5. Do NOT be distracted by any SQUIRRELS! I NEED this continual reminder! 
  6. Tidy & clean studio for 30 minutes.

Don’t Forget

Here is my Affiliate link: If you order over $50 from Missouri Star, you will get 20% off your order and I will receive a small commission. Thank you for your support!

One who sleeps under a quilt is covered by LOVE!

Linking to:  

10 thoughts on “Monday Moments: June 10

    • Thanks, Frédérique. Daphne certainly likes to be where the action is!!! her mama is coming home soon, so we won’t have her around for much longer! But we do enjoy her!! Thanks for hosting the Link party!


  1. You’ve done so well at keeping up the stitching time and watching your stash growth. Hopefully this is another good week on the stitching front. You have some fun projects very close to finished.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gail your latest IB quilt is amazing! I love both versions of Luminous Layers. I actually had time to pull my fabrics and start cutting this afternoon! Aaagh I’m so behind 😉 thank you for linking with ToDo Tuesday and sharing all of your progress. Good luck this week.

    Liked by 1 person

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