Gifts for Travelling

By the time you read this post, I’ll be getting ready to leave the UK and head to South Africa.  My sister is speaking in Johannesburg and asked if I wanted to go with her.  It took me about 10 seconds to say, “yes.”

We are stopping in England on the way to visit some cousins of my mothers and I thought I should make some “Canadian” gifts to take with me.  I had a few bits and pieces left-over from my Canadian Quilt of Valour  and so it lead very nicely to these bags.


The maple leaves were cut at the same time that I cut the big one for the Quilt of Valour.  The bottom right white one is the trimming of one of the leaves.  The red & white bags are all made with Island Batik fabrics (except for the lining) and the “O Canada” bag is made from my stash.  The smallest bag is 5″ x 7½” and the largest is 7½” x 8 ¼”.

One who sleeps under a quilt is covered by LOVE!

Happy Quilting! 

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