PHD in 2021: March Report

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How are you?

How are you doing with your PHD in 2021? Are you feeling overwhelmed by your UFOs? Do you have too many? Are they all HUGE projects? What are you feeling right now about your UFOs? or are you feeling great and have them under control?

One thing that really helps me to complete UFOs is to FOCUS on one UFO at a time. It is well known that to have more than 4-5 projects going at one time is pure distraction. And, of course, it can be overwhelming!

SEW … What can I do to FOCUS?

  • Pick only 1 or 2 projects to work on. If you’re into lists – write these on your list. (I have my To Do lists that I post every week). And yes, I often do NOT have only 1 or 2 projects that I’m working on!!! I try to limit it to 3-4.
  • Have everything you need for the project in one place. I use containers to keep all of the fabric for each project together. There is nothing worse than having to hunt through everything to find the special piece of fabric that you know you wanted to use!
  • If you need something to finish the project (more fabric, batting, a certain thread) get it. Go shopping (if that’s allowed) or order it on-line.
  • Finally, don’t let squirrels get in your way. This one is hard for me … it’s always fun to start a new project!

Have fun! Enjoy your progress!

UFOs in March

I completed 3 UFOs this month!!! WooHoo!!! I’m SEW happy about them!!! The biggest challenge for me was the T-shirt quilt. It was intended as a banner / wall hanging and the suggested size was 8′ x 6′. Wowzers! But I did it and it was delivered in time! You can read more about it HERE.

The Moorewood Mystery was also completed. This was a mystery quilt from Meadow Mist Designs. It started in the summer and the final clue came out in February. You can read more about it HERE.

The 3rd UFO is the SAHRR which was just finished last week. This was a fun project, collaborating with 6 other bloggers! You can read about it HERE.

Now it’s Your Turn!

Linky Party

Link up and show us your PHD in 2021 Progress.

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One who sleeps under a quilt is covered by LOVE!

Happy Quilting!    

9 thoughts on “PHD in 2021: March Report

  1. Great job this month, Gail! Three finishes is fabulous — really like the quilting you did on Morewood Mystery. Thanks for keeping all of us on task, including yourself! Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sue! As for keeping everyone on task! If I wasn’t doing this, I’d probably have 20 new projects going and absolutely no hope of finishing them in the near future! So your are correct, it’s keeping me on task! LOL!!! 🙂


  2. Congrats on all the UFO finishes. Your version of Morewood turned out beautifully and the SAHRR project was such fun to watch come together. I’ve been focusing this year, just three projects at a time. They are getting done, but I’m really ready for something new to play with. Focusing is hard!

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  3. Pingback: Easter Sunday | Quilting Gail

  4. Great advice, Gail. I’m a little overwhelmed with mine, but did get a little done! I decided this month, to focus on just two, one that must be finished for another goal and hopefully a good start on the second project. And who knows, I’ll probably have a squirrel in there too!! I’ll be linking up later today when I get my post written up and my lists updated!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve had a good week with all those finishes (especially the SAHRR)! Sometimes I use squirrels as rewards for finishing a UFO. You are right about focusing on just one UFO at a time, although I struggle with this (better at it this year, though!).

    Liked by 1 person

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